Viktor is a Norwish child, who was born with an intraventricular haemorrhage. Thanks to appropriate treatments, he lives normally with his parents and younger sisters.
Viktor is a Norwish child, who was born with an intraventricular haemorrhage. Thanks to appropriate treatments, he lives normally with his parents and younger sisters.
Birth is a fascinating adventure. Nonetheless, it is the first real challenge in life precisely because it may involve some dangers; perinatal asphyxia is one
Today we will discuss a topic that goes beyond the MRI, but that just like the MRI, allows us to “spy” inside the newborn head:
Alberto was born on February 12, 2019, in the United States from a healthy full-term pregnancy and uncomplicated delivery. But at only 2 weeks of
Kernicterus is a neurological syndrome secondary to bilirubin’s deposition at basal nuclei and cranial nerves nuclei, due to neonatal icterus. Let’s start from the beginning: what
Andrea was born in Genova at Gaslini Hospital in August 2016, at 25 week and 5 days of gestational age, after a troubleless pregnancy. Doctors
Infantile cerebral palsy, definition, who is affected, how frequent is it, how does it present itself, how to treat it
Il cervelletto, il grande controllore, che corregge i movimenti initinere e ci premette di procedere passo passo senza perdere l’equilibrio.
I principali problemi che si riscontrano quando il cervelletto è danneggiato sono l’Ipotonia cerebellare; L’asinergia cerebellare; la dismetria cerebellare; l’adiadococinesia; la discronometria e il tremore intenzionale.
Here below the summary of a study you can find here in its full version. Premature babies’ brain is highly vulnerable, and safeguarding it at
The word Hydrocephalus derives from the Greek “idrokefalon” which can be translated as (disease of) “liquid in the head”. The first to use this term
What is intelligence? How does learning work? What if a child is born before time? What are the risks and consequences of a brain injury?
This is the initial story of Silvia born many years ago at Mangiagalli Hospital in Milan and suffering a very rare and severe condition. Silvia
The intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm newborns usually occurs in the germinal matrix underneath the ependyma – the membrane of the ventricle. From there the blood
“Periventricular leukomalacia” (PVL) which literally means, “softening of the white matter around the ventricles”, is a typical type of brain injury encountered in preterm newborns.
Thanks to the medical advances premature infants are increasingly able to survive. With every day neuroscientists are developing the increasingly sophisticated picture of premature infants’
“Madam, can you come here for one moment?” It is the evening in the end of September and I am still in the hospital. Only
After a perfect first pregnancy we thought that nothing can go wrong with having children. Then, there was a miscarriage. We mourned, recovered, and tried
My name is Rita. I am a mother to three special twins, who were born during the 24th week of my pregnancy, way too early.
My name is Laura and this is our story. In March 2009 I realised I was pregnant with my first child. I was going to