The transfontanellar ultrasound
Today we will discuss a topic that goes beyond the MRI, but that just like the MRI, allows us to “spy” inside the newborn head:
Today we will discuss a topic that goes beyond the MRI, but that just like the MRI, allows us to “spy” inside the newborn head:
Below a summary and comment of the article reproduced in full version at the following link. Risk factors and research of Intraventricular Brain Hemorrhages The
The word Hydrocephalus derives from the Greek “idrokefalon” which can be translated as (disease of) “liquid in the head”. The first to use this term
The intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm newborns usually occurs in the germinal matrix underneath the ependyma – the membrane of the ventricle. From there the blood
After a perfect first pregnancy we thought that nothing can go wrong with having children. Then, there was a miscarriage. We mourned, recovered, and tried