Anatomy of the Subependymal veins in the preterm newborns
Below a summary and comment of the article reproduced in full version at the following link. Risk factors and research of Intraventricular Brain Hemorrhages The
Below a summary and comment of the article reproduced in full version at the following link. Risk factors and research of Intraventricular Brain Hemorrhages The
Eu-Brain, at the SIMP congress that was held in Catania in March 2018, awarded the best two scientific contributes on perinatal and neonatal neurology. Here
It’s almost a year that the research on the PIOMI stimulation goes on, and the first sensations are encouraging and exciting! Babies, who took part
Oral and perioral sensorimotor stimulation to optimize feeding in preterm infants: parent and health professionals role in neonatal intensive care unit Pre-term infants, due to
The intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm newborns usually occurs in the germinal matrix underneath the ependyma – the membrane of the ventricle. From there the blood
“Periventricular leukomalacia” (PVL) which literally means, “softening of the white matter around the ventricles”, is a typical type of brain injury encountered in preterm newborns.
Thanks to the medical advances premature infants are increasingly able to survive. With every day neuroscientists are developing the increasingly sophisticated picture of premature infants’