Looking for Vision 2 – The visual skills of the premature newborn
Prematurity impacts 7-10% of the newborn population and depicts a different reality between each newborn. A newborn is considered premature if born at less than
Prematurity impacts 7-10% of the newborn population and depicts a different reality between each newborn. A newborn is considered premature if born at less than
Is it normal that such a small creature experiences long respiratory pause? Are we sure this doesn’t cause discomfort? Will it cause any problems? Will
what does my newborn see? Visual functions in a newborn are sign of neurological health and efficiency
Each of us has a guardian angel. Some believe, some don’t. I am convinced that my guardian angel lives very close to me. The hard
Kernicterus is a neurological syndrome secondary to bilirubin’s deposition at basal nuclei and cranial nerves nuclei, due to neonatal icterus. Let’s start from the beginning: what
Non-nutritive suction (NNS) is a reflexive oro-motor behavior that follows a specific developmental trajectory: from the early fetal period of 16-18 weeks of gestational age