Eu-Brain remains at the side of families facing problems in the field of perinatal neurology. We hope that a better knowledge of the possible complications linked to a premature birth or the unforeseen events that may arise with a term birth will help to manage in a more conscious and informed way the inevitable difficulties and to reduce the negative impact on the whole household.
We offer families a telephone support service related to neurological problems which arose before birth or at the time of birth. A pediatrician with knowledge of perinatal neurology will respond to requests for clarification posed by family members: after having carefully listened to the family needs, the pediatrician will analyze the questions and depending on the type of needs expressed, will provide information directly or will provide possible solutions, directing to services and the relevant contacts.
Fill out the following information, and we will send you a message to arrange a telephone appointment with our specialist.
Alternatively, you can call us at the following number:+39 3703704995
The service is purely informational; clinical advice or therapeutic indications cannot be provided, for which it is always necessary to contact the doctor of reference.
Eu-Brain collaborates with other organizations engaged in the perinatal and prematurity field and dedicated to neurological problems. In case of need, you can always contact our friend sites
An organization that offers psychological support to families in case of pathological pregnancies, and elaboration of perinatal and postnatal loss and grief. To this end, they have set up LINEA AMICA, which offers professional, remote and free psychological support
A Foundation that is engaged in helping children that face the consequences of stroke and disability due to infantile cerebral palsy; Fightthestroke is active in the science, technology and design field and supports families and young adults through their Facebook communities.
The organizations is formed from parents of premature children or that have had particular pathologies at birth and have had their son or daughter hospitalized for a long time in the department of Neonatal Pathology of the Gaslini Institute of Genoa. Offering help and support and promoting every type of initiative to improve the quality of hospitalization of our children is the mission of Cicogna Sprint Onlus
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